- Stay warm all year round! -
100% Split Seasoned Ironbark Firewood is now in stock!
Buy in it bulk; ute load, boot load at half and full cubic metres (m3).
You can also buy by the piece or bag.
- $220/m3 -
- $1.50/piece -
Need delivery? We deliver to most areas, call 5494 3233 for your freight price.
*Keep scrolling for pre-made bagged packs
Buy in it bulk; ute load, boot load at half and full cubic metres (m3).
You can also buy by the piece or bag.
- $220/m3 -
- $1.50/piece -
Need delivery? We deliver to most areas, call 5494 3233 for your freight price.
*Keep scrolling for pre-made bagged packs
50 for $55 Hand-Loaded- Hand load 50 pieces of Ironbark Firewood for $55. The perfect way to stock up for a few chilly hinterland nights. No ute necessary, load into car boot, buckets etc.
100 for $110 Hand-Loaded- Hand load 100 pieces of Ironbark Firewood for $110. No ute necessary, load into car boot, buckets etc.
100 for $110 Hand-Loaded- Hand load 100 pieces of Ironbark Firewood for $110. No ute necessary, load into car boot, buckets etc.
Pre-made Bags

Grab & Go Bag- $20
20kg ironbark firewood pieces, all bagged up and ready to go!
Great for camping, pizza oven or fire pit.
20kg ironbark firewood pieces, all bagged up and ready to go!
Great for camping, pizza oven or fire pit.